How to switch to the debug version of Revive & Prosper

Thank you very much for reporting to us a crash / major problem. We feel embarrassed that you experienced such a problem and we really want to fix it.

Sometimes the crash is related to specific hardware, or a sequence of actions that were carried out. Unfortunately, however, by default the game doesn't generate logs that would tell us this, as they have a negative effect on performance.

But there is a special version of the game that is built with logs.

Here is how to switch it:

Step 1)

Open the properties of the game on Steam Library

Step 2)

Go to betas and enter DEBUGVERSION into the access code and click Check Code. It should look like this:

Step 3)

In the box above select "debug - debug version":

Step 4)

It will update the game for you. Once done, when you start the game you will see at the bottom right will be the version with "debug". For example 0.9.12-debug:

Step 5)

Please run the game, and when it crashes open again Steam's properties and go to installed files and click Browse:

Step 6)

Open ReviveAndProsper, then Saved, then Logs.

Step 7)

Those are the log files that I need. It would really help me if you can send them to support email

Thank you!

Mystiqular team - developers of Revive & Prosper