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# 282
Closed as Support Issue  
# 281
I destroyed a setup of different height belts which had ressources moving on it , (coal , sand ) the ressources cannot be used / removed / destroyed , i could build on top of it without annoyance , it looks like a graphic remaining artefact that has not much impact beside looking weird.
My take : only the ressources that were on a ramp going up showed this problem (when ressources on ramp they are not at height 2 or 3 but more like 2,5 when they are stop on the middle of it ) so when i destroyed the ramp maybe they werent recognized on any layer resutling into graphic artefact
ps : game way too good i'm addicted
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+ 1 
# 280
Reloaded a save after realizing this report button exists, so the reload fixed the issue. But I'm posting the issue in hopes that this can be of use: I ran into an issue where colonists were all stuck around the center of the camp (around the shelter and benches basically) and they were all having the "Cannot find path to any job" status. All of them were starving, extremely thirsty, and exhausted as they stood there and would have their needs run allmost all the way down when I'd noticed.
In Progress  
+ 1 
# 279
For Pavel Jiri Strnad
Second Report older save. (initial bug ID 278)
as i said after loading it just startet working
Closed as Solved 05.Aug.24 10:30
+ 1 
# 278
Pavel Jiri Strnad, asked me on Discord to report this.

Basically the refinery presures the liquid output So ethylene goes up one pipe perfektly fine.
A chem plant later down the line is not able to do so as well.
Closed as not Replicable 05.Aug.24 08:56
+ 1 
# 277
Hi. The Workshop is set up to produce Belts, Dam Components and Wooden Mechanisms. Suddenly, Soil started coming out of the Workshop. Why? Thanks for investigating.
Closed as Support Issue 01.Aug.24 00:00
# 276
Bug with carts loading/unloading

I have a very simple setup with a small railroad loop, and 2 stations. One is loading copper ingots into a cart, and another one is unloading them from a cart. There is one cart running all the time.

So it looks like the loading is broken. When I run the train for the first time it does the loading. On subsequent returns to the station it simply ignores the loading process. Unloading works seemingly fine.

I noticed that when it does the loading, it stop for a fraction of a second. When it skips, it moves through like the station is not even there.

In this particular save the cart would always load the copper ingots once, and then would just simply skip the loading station. I also noticed that if I click the cart once with a mouse (simply select it), then it will load next time when it gets to the station. It seems that some internal state of the cart gets reset when it is selected. It does not need to be selected when getting to the station for this glitch to work. I can click once, and then select something else, and then it would still do a loading correctly once.
In Progress  
# 275
Sorry to post this again, i coulnd figure out how to edit the old Post or respond to you answer
Original Report ID #273

Bug 1:
°Aliens Startet demanding Randsome after the first Copper Ingot got Produced, not Iron as it is claimed in the info textbox.
What I did:
I dismanteld -NO- building on the map wich could drop Iron ingots (Power Poles, Solar Panels, Large Bridges) to delay the reandsome demand as much as possible. But whenever I melted Copper for some Lightning rods The started demanding.

Your answer was -> ingots were "produced" by destroying buildings

I did not take down any building that Could drop Iron ingots, i thought i had made this clear and the bridges that burned down to wildfire did not drop resources. So please elaborate.

Bug 2:
°After loading a saved Game, Toxic Soil apears all over the map.
What I ecxpected:
Toxic Soil only srpeads from Monoliths and as Byproduct of some factorys. NOT at random anywhere on loading the save.

Your answer was -> The toxic spreads from Martian monoliths and flora, and it spreads through soil and water even faster

Yes thats the ecxpected bahavoiur, but after loading a save on this map Toxic soil apears in random locations all over, miles away from the Monilith contaminated Area and any possible chance of water connection. Just have a look at the screenshots
In Progress  
+ 4 
# 274

I get that you don't want the fast foward. Please don't be rude to the people who want to support. Remove this message. Don't assume they don't know what they're doing. I pressed the button on the first level because I wanted to save 10 seconds. I had a real feel-bad when I saw the message.

Right now you've got some real hostility among the players despite the effort you put in. I bought the game anyway because I trust you are trying.

Remember, people won't play the game the way you want. That's OK. They aren't you.

I can tell you from experience that adding in features that you think are stupid will make players much happier.

There's nothing to be gained from getting them all to "play the right way"

To give you an idea here's why it makes a lot of sense.
The reason RimWorld or Timberborn have a fast forward is that you don't have direct control over a character.
The reason Satisfactory does not is that you DO have direct control over a character.
For a developer, sitting back and watching the action is much different than for a player. Developers like seeing their machines in action, players are hoping to get to the next step.

Learn to let go. Go further: add the standard third fast forward speed.

And take down the dang message. Trust your players to be wrong and allow yourself to be OK with that.

You will be happier. They will be happier.
Closed as Solved  
# 273
Bug 1:
°Aliens Startet demanding Randsome after the first Copper Ingot got Produced, not Iron as it is claimed in the info textbox.
What I did:
I dismanteld -NO- building on the map wich could drop Iron ingots (Power Poles, Solar Panels, Large Bridges) to delay the reandsome demand as much as possible. But whenever I melted Copper for some Lightning rods The started demanding.

Bug 2:
°After loading a saved Game, Toxic Soil apears all over the map.
What I ecxpected:
Toxic Soil only srpeads from Monoliths and as Byproduct of some factorys. NOT at random anywhere on loading the save.
Closed as Solved  
# 272
The Person can 't moving.
In Progress  
+ 1 
# 271
Closed as Solved  
# 270
Trees that have been cut down are not disappearing from the screen.
In Progress  
+ 2 
# 269
Closed as not Replicable  
+ 1 
# 268
The lightning conductor (not unlocked yet) blocked the lightning and charged despite not being built.
In Progress  
+ 1 
# 267
Closed as Support Issue  
+ 1 
# 266
I was just playing the demo, and after making soil stairs the starter charecter just keeps digging, and digging something that is not there, and now I have infenite soil! I also can not get them to do anything else without pausing this strange dig command. It also is not making any effect at all on the terrain. I removed the soil stairs, but that did not help eaither.
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+ 1 
# 265
Closed as Support Issue  
# 264

Not sure if intended, but Central Lake, the first map, doesn't seem to have any rocks/stone on it anywhere.
Closed as Solved  
# 263

Tutorial broke at the green quest marker you click down in the pit with all the stones. Not sure what it was supposed to say it was just an empty text box. I did not move my sawmill like it suggested earlier and didn't think about it until after if that caused a conflict. I actually really liked the tutorial, the repetition and progression were very well done imo.
Closed as Solved  
# 262

Mouse scroll wheel way undersensitive. I play almost nothing but city builders and rarely have a scroll issue. It takes over 20 full "flicks" of my mouse wheel to zoom in or out. Sensitivity controls would be nice, also being able to swap right click and mmb for camera controls.
Closed as Solved  
# 261

Hey I am really enjoying the game. I think the first tier blacksmith is bugged. It wants to make 20/20 steel, but when you go to the resources tab the building can only hold 8/8. So on the second batch of 5 they seem to disappear? I could be missing something. The second tier building can't make steel so I couldn't check that way. I could get it to produce a few using the make one at a time menu, but it still didn't feel right, the "endless" production worked for everything but steel, and because of that metal sheets. I'm probably going to be sending a few of these reports on things i noticed, Cheers!
Closed as Support Issue  
# 260
I cant build the platform in turorial because a dont have any wood. After cut down a tree, no wood is in use.
Closed as Support Issue  
# 259
Blacksmith is manufacturing steel, but it never gets added to the storage.
Closed as Support Issue  
# 258
Closed as Support Issue  
# 257
Closed as Support Issue  
# 256
Completed the demo, got the pop up that says so. It also says I can stay on the demo map and keep playing, and that the build menu is unlocked. The pop up cannot be closed. The build menu is not unlocked. I cannot continue playing on the map with the pop up congratulations box covering the entire center of the screen, sadly. And the Martians are perpetually angry at me about the tribute, even though they are taking it.
I have tried saving both at the point immediately before completing the demo and after completing it, then both hard ans soft reloading the game. In all cases the game either loads with the pop up already in place, or it triggers at the correct time, and subsequently cannot be removed to continue play.
I have greatly enjoyed the demo so far, but still have a lot to look at with it before deciding to purchase or not. I was hoping to do so all in a single run, rather than needing to replay over and over to figure it out. I know it's only the demo, but it makes a difference. Thank you!
Closed as Support Issue  
+ 1 
# 255
The Path disappears from the view. If you cklick on the subsurface the path is still there.
In Progress  
+ 1 
# 254
coffe was harvested and now the coffe field is green and without function
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# 253
Somehow bugged out the rendering of the map; water and crops and entities are loaded but not the actual earth. I was messing with the fast forward button while having platforms selected.
Closed as Support Issue  
+ 1 
# 252
When playing on the basic tutorial, when you get to the part to tell the thing to make dam parts, it won't let you select the "dam parts" in the menu when on full screen mode. I switched to Windowed full screen and it now works...
Closed as Support Issue  
# 251
In Progress  
# 250
the game cant make a path to this one spot and the characters are just standing 3 or so blocks away from the spot iwant them at
Closed as Support Issue  
# 249
there is a bunch of characters that arent doing any jobs when there is still like 20 or so jobs
Closed as Support Issue  
# 248
Closed as Support Issue  
+ 4 
# 247
Closed as Support Issue  
+ 1 
# 246
The catapult doesn't take the oil in barrel
Closed as Solved  
+ 1 
# 245
Closed as Support Issue  
# 244
I can't really tell if it's a bug or if there's something I should do... Roberta Euler is about to die, but she's neither getting food nor water nor sleep, although everything should be available.
Closed as Solved  
# 243
Heat burst on Day 2 on Great Lake
Closed as not Replicable  
# 242
Closed as Support Issue  
# 241
Some Sender/Receiver not working!
Closed as Support Issue  
# 240
in the mission were you need to deliver 20 corn, the corn was never being delivered , I finally figured out ... the mutants kept eating the corn , I was not cooking it they were eating it raw , so I iim now planting loads of corn in the hope their will be excesss

the level was quite confusing I did know I had to open a danm to get water in to thhe central river
Closed as Support Issue  
# 239
Planting machine consumes corn but isnt planting a new plant

Harvesting machin seems to ge stuck harvesting but never actually harVests the cornn
Closed as Solved 04.Apr.24 11:40
# 238
At the moment the martians arrive at the portal little over 103k of goods are stored.
After loading all the goods - including the price for "Ask Martians to remove monolith", i get the message that they were not happy and docked me 1 point of happyness.
The initial 3 monoliths are still on the map.
Closed as not Replicable  
+ 1 
# 237
Everyone is stuck trying to build the rail turret.

Also pressing take screenshot locks the UI
Closed as Solved 04.Apr.24 11:40
# 236
These 2 characters are stuck, both have ability to work underwater, there is a path they could use,
Closed as Solved 31.Mar.24 20:37
# 235
Planting train does not collect coffee beans from storage, so automatization does not work. Also rice trains work only under water...would it be possible for trains to reach one block under as well so they can work above water? Like this it works, but also any special track gets damaged underwater (slope up and curve that I tried)
Closed as Solved 31.Mar.24 11:58
+ 1 
# 234
This is the problem with the space port not building after getting all material.
Closed as Solved 31.Mar.24 12:01
+ 1 
# 233
Closed as Support Issue  
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